There are many programs available that make this simple! Some of the available programs are Constant Contact, iContact, Mail Chimp, and MagnetMail. We know of some WF&FSA members currently using Constant Contact and iContact with good results.
Some helpful suggestions for e-mail marketing:
- Start slow and learn as you go.
- The most important thing is to gather up the valid email addresses of your customers or potential customers. Be sure you have created multiple opportunities to collect these addresses. All of your Marketing materials, Website forms, or other documents should request these addresses.
- Someone needs to take charge of gathering and maintaining the addresses, the data that needs to be communicated and pushing that final send button.
- It needs to be noted that some programs require an opt-in option from the recipient before they can begin receiving the e-bulletin. iContact is a program that does require an opt-in from the recipient.
- Plan for how you will handle responses. Designate who will handle the responses. All your work is in vain if responses are received but not acted upon.
- Be specific with a focused message that calls for action. Have a click thru to your website. Be concise – less is more. Make it as personalized as possible. Pay attention to timing. Have it come from a known address (sales person).
- Don’t over do it. If you send too many, they will treat you like spam. Plan your sending frequency depending on the nature of the message. Offers can be daily but general information should be limited to once per week or less.
- Provide an “unsubscribe” feature and abide by those requests.
- Monitor system admin kickbacks. This will help you revise and update your email list.
- Many of these programs offer a free trial period before purchasing. Two programs that allow for a trial period include iContact and Constant Contact.
Additional reference sources can be found at which is a good source of whitepapers. Click on the services tab and look for whitepapers on lower right and look at the different papers available.