What Do Over 800 Members of the Floral Industry Have in Common?

Marla O'Dell, CSS Industries (Berwick Offray/Hampshire Paper)

Head Shot Marla O DellQuestion: What do over 800 members of the floral industry have in common? 

Answer: They understand the value of networking and education and subsequently attended WF&FSA’s Annual Floral Distribution Conference last year in Miami. 

In fact, WF&FSA’s Floral Distribution Conference (FDC) has had increasing attendance records every year for the last four years!  The participation continues to grow because those attending (or sending attendees) reap a tangible benefit. 

Another reason for growth: WF&FSA’s FDC has really morphed over the years into an event that speaks to multiple sectors of the industry and levels within an organization. In the past, the Conference was perceived as an event for owners and maybe fresh buyers. Not so anymore! It is a multi-dimensional event with networking and educational sessions designed for all facets of your business.  This year, a new session has been added to specifically appeal to industry professionals involved with the “supply side.”

Novelty supply department products require a different approach than most everyday supply department products because they are dynamic in that they change seasonally. For organizations with a predominant focus on fresh, novelty supplies can seem like a distraction. If that is your mindset, you are leaving some major opportunity dollars on the table and must attend this session.

In this interactive panel discussion you will learn how wholesalers who successfully sell novelty items (Christmas, high end ribbon, artificial flowers) run their supply departments as true profit centers, not merely as an accommodation for customers. In addition, you will get guidance from a key supplier and designer in the industry evoking their perspective on how wholesalers can be more profitable in the novelty supplies area. Some of the questions that will be addressed are:

Panelists include:

As brick and mortar retailers continue to close or look like each other with their product offerings, novelty supplies is an area where wholesalers can excel. Consumers are looking for unique and different – this is where wholesalers can help retailers provide that distinction, and do so profitably.  Join your closest 800+ floral industry friends at “How Your Supply Department can be a Profit Center” from 3:30-5 pm October 19 at the WF&FSA Floral Distribution Conference in Miami, FL

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