UID Year Round

Learning doesn’t just happen every March at UID. The UID Year-Long program promotes learning throughout the year expanding on some of the topics offered at UID. Registration is free and open to any UID attendee as well as members of AEA Associations. If you missed a webinar, check back after the initial offering date; a recording of the presentation will be available for viewing. All times listed are Eastern Time.

November 2024

November 20, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: "Economic & Labor Update for 2025"

Presenter: Alex Chausovsky, Director of Analytics and Consulting, Bundy Group


Join us for a webinar featuring Alex Chausovsky, Director of Analytics and Consulting at Bundy Group. This presentation will deliver practical and actionable advice designed to help business leaders and key decision makers plan for future economic conditions and continuously improve their organization’s strategic planning initiatives.

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September 2024

September 4, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: "Building Trust Through Better Communications"

Presenter: Jason Bader, principal of The Distribution Team


In this session, we will identify some of the most common barrier to communication, and see how both verbal and non-verbal behavior can speak volumes.  We will also spend time analyzing the different generations in the workplace, learn some of the reasons they behave a certain way, and ultimately determine how to best work with each group.

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July 2024

July 9, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: Future-Ready - Disruption-Proof Your Business for the Workplace of Tomorrow

Presenter: Claudia St. John, Founder and CEO of The Workplace Advisors, Keynote Speaker, Author


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May 2024

May 16, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: "Leveraging AI for your Sales Team”

Presenter: Sam Richter, founder and CEO of SBR Worldwide/Know More.


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November 2023

November 8, 2023
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: Crush Price Objections

Presenter: Paul Reilly, CSP, Author


Price objections were the spark that ignited the Value-Added Selling revolution. Even though price objections remain the number one objection salespeople encounter daily, salespeople are woefully unprepared to deal with them. This results in price-sensitive customers out-negotiating salespeople. You win price wars one price battle at a time. Gain knowledge and confidence in the key concepts below by attending this must see presentation. -Introduction to Crush Price Objections -Realities of price resistance that shape the price-sensitive landscape -The latest research on price shoppers -Three ways to prevent price objections -Crafting your response to price objections

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September 2023

September 27, 2023
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: The Profound Power of Presence

Presenter: Todd Cohen, CSP, Author, Sales Leader LLC


The sale of "you" begins before the first word is spoken. Your presence is therefore one of the silent sales skills we need to master. During this webinar, you will learn the critical keys to mastering how you communicate through your presence. You don’t want to miss this event; learn how you show up sets the tone for success!

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July 2023

July 26, 2023
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: Account-Based Marketing (ABM) - Accomplishing More With Less

Presenter: Brian Bluff, CEO & Co-Founder of Site-Seeker, Inc.


In uncertain economic times, with high employee turnover rates, and a shortage of talent, marketing has to do more with less. Fortunately, technology has provided us with the tools necessary to meet our lead generation goals. Lead and sales intelligence platforms, AI, Marketing Automation tools, and LinkedIn allow us to precisely target exact companies and people with the right job titles within companies matching our Ideal Customer Profile. This session will outline an approach to Account-Based Marketing that leverages technology to increase the efficiency of lead-generation efforts.

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December 2022

December 8, 2022
3:00PM - 4:00PM EDT

UID Year-Round: Re-Imagining Leadership In A Post Pandemic World

Presenter: Dirk Beveridge


In today’s complex, ever-changing environment, leaders are learning that the very nature of leadership is rapidly being redefined by the social, technological, and demographic forces creating new customer and employee expectations.

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November 2022

November 2, 2022
3:00PM - 4:00PM

UID Year-Round: Supply Chain Issues Update

Presenter: Matt Schreibfeder, VP of Research and Analytics Effective Inventory Management, Inc.


In March 2022, EIM presented ideas for dealing with the chaos we are all experiencing in the supply chain.  This is a very fluid and ever-changing situation.  In November, we will review what has changed and we need to adapt to the new environment.

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July 2022

July 13, 2022
3:00PM - 4:00PM

UID Year-Round: Stop Today’s Hackers, What You and Your Company Need to Know

Presenter: Michael Foster, IT Best Practices & Cyber Security Specialist


In this eye-opening session, Mike will help you understand the threats that lurk, as well as give you the tools and information to make positive changes in your organization’s IT practices.

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May 2022

May 4, 2022
3:00PM - 4:00PM

UID Year-Round: Understanding the Concept of Inventory-Sharing

Presenter: Ted Henry, President, WarehouseTWO


Learning doesn’t just happen every March at UID. New in 2020, UID Year-Long hopes to promote learning throughout the year expanding on some of the topics offered at UID.

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November 2021

November 10, 2021
1:00PM - 2:00PM

UID Year-Round: Creating a Happy, Optimistic & Productive Workplace

Presenter: Dr. Michael Mercer

The recording for this webinar is not available

You will benefit a lot by attending this immediately useful, practical, interactive presentation. Reason = Your presenter – Dr. Michael Mercer – wrote the book “How Winners Do It” and co-wrote the book “Spontaneous Optimism.”

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September 2021

September 8, 2021
1:00PM - 2:00PM

UID Year-Round: Fend Off Amazon with AI Strategies of Your Own

Presenter: Benj Cohen, Founder, Proton.ai


Amazon Business is projected to make $52 billion in sales by 2023. How are they doing it? With AI-powered product recommendations, search, and advertising. What can suppliers and distributors learn from Amazon’s success?

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June 2021

June 9, 2021
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Leading with Focus: Collaboration and Productivity without a Billion Videoconferences

Presenter: Beth Ziesenis

Overnight the traditional workplace culture shifted when the pandemic forced our country's workforces into work-from-home models. Neverending videoconferences haven't helped you and your colleagues be more efficient... they're just wasting your time.

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April 2021

April 14, 2021
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Positive Coping Skills

Presenter: Dave Neely

Dave Neely will share his perspective of the emotional roller coaster that is life today. He will provide practical insights into how to become more positive and resilient in stressful situations.

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March 2021

March 24, 2021
3:00PM - 4:00PM

Truck Freight and the US Economy

Presenters: Brent Hutto and Noel Perry

Delivered by Truckstop.com, this presentation will focus on how the trillion-dollar US Freight Transportation Marketplace impacts the Global Supply Chain, the US Economy, and US consumers.

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November 2020

November 10, 2020
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Preparing Your Distribution Business for a Successful Transition to the Next Generation

Presenter: Dirk Beveridge, President, Beveridge Consulting Group

You’ve given just about every waking hour over the last three to four decades to your business, and now your thoughts have turned to successfully transitioning leadership of the day-to-day to the next generation.  This webinar is for those distribution leaders who are still playing the long-game as they prepare themselves and the business for a successful transition of the business to the next generation.

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September 2020

September 15, 2020
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Gaining More Control of the Sales Process

Presenter: Jim Pancero, CSP, CPAE

Help your team gain more control (and consistency) to their selling structures and processes. You will learn the critical importance of the selling control gained when your team follows the steps of a sales call. We will also discuss how the detailed eight steps of the distribution “Identify to Close” selling process can help your team think and plan more moves ahead than your competitors.

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June 2020

June 4, 2020
1:00PM - 2:00PM

UID Year Round: Professional Sales Management Coaching and Training Skills

Presenter: Colleen Stanley, President, SalesLeadership

Strong sales organizations have a defined sales playbook. However, a playbook is only as good as the execution of the plays. Too many sales leaders get caught up attending internal meetings and analyzing endless reports which limits time that should be invested in training and coaching their salespeople.

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April 2020

April 14, 2020
1:00PM - 2:00PM

UID Year Round: 10 Ways to Attract and Retain Employees to Increase Productivity and Profits

Presenter:  Mary Kelly, Ph.D., CSP, Commander, US Navy (ret)

We hear the word leadership a lot around the office. But do we understand what it means to be a leader – regardless of our job title or our place on the ladder? Leadership isn’t just a plan for the supervisors and CEOs. Leadership is a set of principles that affects every employee, every team member, and every consumer. Leadership is what differentiates the ordinary from the amazing.

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