Complete Story


Dirk Beveridge

headshotDirk is the leading advocate of change and innovation throughout wholesale distribution.  He delivers a new voice, a new energy, and a new outlook. He founded UnleashWD in 2012 after he noticed the trend of innovation bypassing wholesalers and distributors. UnleashWD is now setting a bold agenda for the 300,000 distributors in the country. 

For over 25 years as a consultant to a wide range of companies, Dirk has helped leading firms align, focus, and strengthen their sales and leadership strategies to remain relevant, outperform the market, and provide deeper value to customers.

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Working at Cross-Purposes: How Distributors and Manufacturers Can Manage Conflict Successfully

Mike Marks

UID Book Store CoversIt takes a long time to develop good distributor-supplier relationships; unfortunately, it only takes a short time to destroy them. Best seller Working at Cross-Purposes, written by Mike Marks, Tim Horan, and Mike Emerson, takes a look at what really drives these relationships, how often they go bad, and why. 

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