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036. Brain-Friendly Communication for the Salesperson (morning)

Instructor: Daniel McQuiston, Ph.D.

Level of Complexity: Intermediate
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The field of sales has often been considered more art than science where successful salespeople developed their own brand of self-taught, trial-by-error, school of hard knocks approach. About the only thing salespeople could agree on was that perseverance was at the heart of sales success. With the advent of the MRI in the late 1970s and the subsequent research on how the brain works it fostered, we now have a better understanding of the factors that influence customer decision-making. In this workshop, Dan will first outline the key factors in understanding how the brain makes decisions. The discussion will then shift to communication principles salespeople can employ to make their sales presentations more effective and will conclude with some interactive exercises where participants will have a chance to try their hand at ‘brain-friendly sales communication’.

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Achieving Effective Inventory Management – 6th Edition

Jon Schreibfeder

Sixth Edition CoverAchieving Effective Inventory Management, 6th Edition, based on our most recent research and up-to-date “best practices”, provides a complete guide for managing a large and often troublesome asset: inventory.

The economic challenges facing distributors today have resulted in EIM conducting a thorough review and update of the entire 5th edition. This update, coupled with discussions regarding the impact and adjustments that the current economic challenges have produced in all areas of inventory management, has produced our new 6th edition.

This book helps you achieve the goal of effective inventory management — to meet or exceed customers’ expectations of product availability with the amount of each item that will maximize your organization’s net profits or minimize its total inventory investment.

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